12 Natural Ways to Support Your Immune System After Exposure to COVID-19 - MediTea Wellness
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12 Natural Ways to Support Your Immune System After Exposure to COVID-19


There's nothing worse than taking a vacation or going to a large group gathering and returning home with Covid. That's exactly what happened to me and my partner after a week-long trip to the Dominican Republic: instead of coming back with happy memories and tan lines, we brought back Covid. Unfortunately, taking off for work after already being away for a week isn't always possible (we work remotely) so here's a walkthrough of how I use my knowledge as an herbalist to support our body's natural healing processes, focusing on herbs for immune system support and other natural remedies.

First things first: Remember how amazing your body is!!

Our immune system is designed to detect and neutralize foreign substances, cells, or microbes. It's the body's first line of defense against harmful invaders. So, if you've been exposed to COVID-19, it's your immune system that jumps into action, aiming to prevent the virus from causing severe illness.

However, COVID-19 can put a strain on our immunity. The virus has shown to cause an overactive immune response in some people, leading to inflammation and damage to healthy cells. This is why providing care for your immune system during and after exposure to the virus is vital.

The good news is that there are several natural and accessible ways you can help give your immune system a leg up. In this article, we'll share twelve simple yet effective strategies, including wellness tea, supplements, and lifestyle changes, to help strengthen your immunity post-exposure.

1. Drink Antiviral Teas

A hot cup of tea is not only comforting when you're feeling under the weather, it can also pack a serious punch against viruses, thanks to herbs for boosting the immune system. Certain herbs, like echinacea, elderberry, and ginger, have been found to possess antiviral properties. Studies suggest that consuming these herbs may inhibit the replication of viruses in the body.

The second you feel under the weather, brew yourself a cup of Viral Defense tea - an immune support tea with elderberry, ginger root, yarrow, tulsi, and spearmint. Together these herbal tea blends deliver a powerful blend of immune-boosting and antiviral compounds. Sip on this immunity boost tea throughout the day to help your body fight illness and potentially shorten the duration of illness.

Eating a variety of plant based foods is a crucial aspect of holistic health.

2. Eat The Rainbow! Food is Medicine

When it comes to boosting immunity, food acts as medicine. The nutrients we consume play a significant role in our body's ability to fight off infections and recover from illnesses. A key part of building a strong immune system is including a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables in your diet, often called "eating the rainbow." Each color represents different immune-boosting nutrients:

  • Red foods like tomatoes and watermelon contain lycopene.
  • Orange foods such as carrots and sweet potatoes are packed with beta-carotene.
  • Yellow foods like bananas and pineapples are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants.
  • Green foods like spinach and broccoli are loaded with vitamins A, C, E, and K.
  • Blue and purple foods like blueberries and eggplant offer anthocyanins.

If eating a full plate of veggies seems difficult while you're recovering, try making a healthy smoothie or juice. Incorporating colorful fruits and vegetables ensures you're getting a wide range of immune-boosting vitamins. Consider pairing these meals with herbal teas like immune system tea or loose leaf tea blends that are rich in antioxidants.

Here's my go-to juice recipe anytime I'm sick or feel something coming on:

 Sun Juice:
  • 4-5 Carrots
  • 3 Large Oranges
  • 1 Large Lemon
  • 1/2 inch piece fresh turmeric (or 1/2 teaspoon dried powder)
  • 1/2 inch piece fresh ginger (or 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger)
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper* (optional to activate the turmeric)

The more colorful your plate, the broader the range of immune-boosting nutrients you're getting. So, add some color to your meals—and your life!

3. It's the Sleep Before Midnight That Counts

Adequate sleep, especially before midnight, is key to improving immune system function. During deep sleep, the body repairs itself and strengthens its defenses. Create a peaceful sleep environment by using relaxation techniques like deep breathing and sipping on Sleep Well Herbal Tea—a blend that calms the body and helps fortify the immune system.

Set yourself up for a peaceful sleep by adding a humidifier to the room, keeping the temperature cool, and creating a soothing bedtime routine. Disconnect from screens at least 30 minutes before bed and opt for relaxation techniques like reading or gentle stretching instead. Prioritizing quality sleep can have a profound impact on your immune health.

4. Go For a Short Walk (Or Get Some Fresh Air)

Regular, moderate-intensity exercise can be a powerhouse for your immune system. Engaging in activities such as a brisk walk, yoga, or tai chi helps not just with physical health but also supports mental well-being. Exercise not only boosts circulation by increasing blood flow, thereby helping immune cells circulate more efficiently throughout the body, it also reduces stress. The physical activity releases endorphins, which act as natural stress relievers. Moreover, moderate movement can enhance lung capacity, which is important for recovering from respiratory infections.

It's worth noting that if you're dealing with post-viral fatigue—a common aftermath of COVID-19—listening to your body is key. Start small; even a short stroll around the block counts. The goal is to support your immune system without overexerting yourself. Remember, consistent gentle movement over time can contribute significantly to your recovery journey.

Pair your exercise with a cup of tea for immune system support, such as Wellness Tea, to further promote recovery and wellness.

Red light therapy is great for more than cosmetic benefits, it has also been shown to support healthy immune function.

5. Try Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation, has been gaining popularity for its potential benefits in boosting the immune system. This non-invasive treatment involves exposing the body to low levels of red or near-infrared light, which can stimulate cellular function and aid in recovery.

Research shows that red light therapy can enhance ATP production, the molecule that provides energy to cells, and help reduce inflammation. Regular sessions may improve well-being and act as a natural immune system booster, making it an effective part of a holistic immune care routine.

Not all red light therapy devices are created equal and it's best to find a reliable, medical-grade device. This particular one is a certified medical device and we find it to be very effective.

6. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Sometimes the simplest solutions work the best. Water plays a crucial role in keeping the body healthy as it transports nutrients to your cells, aids in flushing out toxins, and keeps mucous membranes moist, reducing the chances of infections. For an immune system that's on high alert after exposure to COVID-19, hydration ensures that immune cells can circulate more efficiently through the body. Think of it as enabling your immune system’s troops to move quickly to the front lines.

Adequate hydration also supports the lymphatic system which is a network of tissues and organs helping rid the body of toxins and waste. Proper lymphatic drainage helps maintain fluid levels in the body, removes cellular waste, and facilitates a stronger immune response. To support hydration, besides plain water, opt for herbal teas that can provide vitamins and minerals. This not only hydrates but also nourishes your body.

7. Get Into the Sauna

A sauna session can be a powerful tool in your recovery from post-COVID fatigue. Beyond relaxation, the warmth of the sauna helps your muscles unwind and your mind slow down, while also offering benefits that support your immune system. Regular sauna use can boost the production of white blood cells, which are key to your body’s ability to fight off infections and rebuild strength after an illness.

For those recovering from COVID-19, saunas (or steam rooms) can also benefit respiratory health. The heat exposure helps improve lung function, expand lung capacity, and clear airways, all important steps in recovering from respiratory issues. However, it's essential to wait until you're no longer contagious before using the sauna, so you can focus solely on your recovery.

Because sauna sessions lead to heavy sweating, they help your body eliminate toxins but also result in a loss of nutrients and electrolytes. After your sauna, it’s a great idea to rehydrate and replenish with a nourishing tea. Try this Nutritive Tea, a wellness tea packed with herbs like nettle and oat straw, known for their rich vitamin and mineral content. This blend helps restore your body’s nutrients, giving you a gentle boost after your sauna session as you focus on recovery and wellness.

8. Don't Like Tea? Try Herbal Tinctures

Herbal tinctures are potent plant extracts designed to support immune health. Made by steeping herbs in alcohol or glycerin, they deliver concentrated medicinal benefits. Popular herbs for immunity like echinacea, elderberry, and astragalus have long been used to fight infections and strengthen the body's defenses.

While you can make your own tinctures at home by allowing herbs to steep in alcohol, this process takes several weeks. For quicker results, pre-made tinctures offer a convenient and effective option.

One standout option is our Glow Tincture (coming soon), featuring the powerful combination of burdock root and dandelion root. These potent herbs to boost immune system function also aid in liver detoxification, help cleanse the blood, and strengthen your body's defenses—key to recovering from illness and maintaining resilience against viruses.

To incorporate tinctures into your routine, simply add a few drops to water or tea and drink daily. This small step can make a big difference in fortifying your immune system and promoting faster recovery.

9. Boost your Immune System with an Herbal Bath

Herbal baths have been used for centuries to promote healing, relaxation, and overall wellness. By adding immune-supporting herbs to your bath, you can enhance its therapeutic effects and support your body’s recovery.

Instead of simply soaking for relaxation, an herbal bath can become a powerful tool in boosting your immune system. This Breathe Deep Herbal Facial Steam & Bath Soak combines mullein, eucalyptus, oregano, thyme, and other potent herbs traditionally known for their respiratory benefits and immune support.

These herbs help clear airways, promote lung health, and provide soothing relief for tired muscles—all while you unwind. Add this herbal blend to your bath or create a facial steam to allow the herbs’ beneficial compounds to support both respiratory and immune system function. Pairing with immunity booster tea will help you recover even faster.

10. The Power Of Positive Thinking

The way you think can have a profound impact on your physical health. Visualizing a white light of healing energy flowing through you isn't just a pleasant daydream—it's a practice that can encourage a sense of well-being and promote recovery.

Here are some ways you can incorporate positive thinking into your daily routine:

  1. Visualize Healing: Just like Nahko and Medicine For The People Said, "you're the guru now so visualize healing." Close your eyes and picture a radiant white light enveloping your body, imagine this light targeting areas that need healing, and focus on the warmth and comfort it brings. This mental imagery can help you relax and may enhance the immune response.
  2. Cultivate Positivity: Shift your mindset toward optimism by focusing on positive outcomes and gratitude. Choosing to dwell on uplifting thoughts can transform the way you approach challenges, both mentally and physically. A resilient mind often leads to a resilient body, setting the stage for healing.
  3. Integrate Daily: Make this a daily ritual, perhaps during moments of rest or meditation. Consistency helps solidify these positive mental exercises as part of your routine.


The Mind-Body Connection

The connection between your mind and body is a powerful tool for healing. Positive thinking isn’t just about feeling good—it's about creating an internal environment conducive to wellness. Stress hormones, which can weaken your immune system, are kept at bay when your mind is tranquil. This helps your immune response stay strong, equipping you to better face health challenges.

11. Use Essential Oils 

Essential oils can be a powerful ally in both invigorating your senses and supporting your immune system, especially during recovery from illnesses like COVID-19. These potent plant extracts are filled with health-promoting phytochemicals that can provide immune support and respiratory relief.

If you've lost your sense of smell, diffusing essential oils like eucalyptus or mint can help re-engage your olfactory senses. For respiratory support, eucalyptus oil, with its eucalyptol content, helps break up mucus, while mint offers soothing relief for your airways.

You can also apply essential oils topically by blending them with a carrier oil and massaging them onto your chest or feet for transdermal absorption, allowing the beneficial compounds to enter your bloodstream. Lavender essential oil is a great choice for those struggling with sleep, as it helps reduce anxiety and promotes relaxation.

12. Best Vitamins to Take When Sick

When you're sick, taking the right vitamins can make a big difference. Best immune booster vitamins include:

  1. Multivitamins are a great option to ensure you're getting a wide range of essential nutrients. This one in particular is my favorite because the brand respect's clean ingredients and has a rigorous third party testing process.
  2. Magnesium is essential for many bodily functions, including supporting the immune system and reducing stress, which can weaken immunity. Herbalists often recommend magnesium as part of a natural antiviral remedy to help your body recover faster.
  3. Lion’s Mane, a powerful medicinal mushroom, supports overall cognitive function and immune health. Known to reduce inflammation, it’s an adaptogen that can be part of your immune-boosting regimen, helping your body handle stress during illness.
  4. B vitamins, particularly B6 and B12, support energy production and immune function. These vitamins ensure that your body has the energy to fight off infections. You can find them in foods like poultry and eggs or in a quality multivitamin.

These vitamins, combined with a natural antiviral supplement or immune support tea, can help strengthen your body’s defenses and aid in recovery.

Complementing Medical Care

Remember, these natural strategies are meant to complement, not replace, standard medical care. It's indeed empowering to have a variety of science-backed yet accessible tools at our disposal but it’s equally important to approach their usage responsibly.

Embracing this holistic approach blends the best of both worlds – modern medicine and traditional wisdom. This harmonious blend could be the key to building a robust immune system capable of facing COVID-19 challenges head-on.

Remember, strengthening your immune system is a journey, not a destination. Every small step counts! So here's to taking those steps towards healthier days ahead with confidence and grace.

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The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. They are for educational purposes only. 

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using products.


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